Review : Astell&Kern AK100 + AK120

Posted on 02 October 2013

Astell&Kern AK100 and AK120 Portable Music Players reviewed in The Absolute Sound by Alan Taffel

Read the full review here :

Conclusion :
The Astell&Kern AK100 is very, very difficult to fault. Indeed, its subtle compromises come into focus only in direct comparison—using the highest-quality sources and headphones—to the AK120. Here is a player that brings true high-end performance to portable music. As such, I would feel churlish giving the AK100 anything less than a well-deserved A.

What, then, of the AK120? It is better than the AK100, though not drastically so. Yet the more you listen to it, the more addicted you become to its subtle benefits. If you can afford the tariff, the AK120 will reward your investment. This player deserves a higher grade than the AK100, though the differences do not justify a full grade jump. Conveniently, there is one last grade available on our scale. The AK120 gets an A+.

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