Review : Oppo BDP-105

Posted on 05 April 2013

Oppo BDP-105 Universal Blu-ray Player and DAC reviewed in The Absolute Sound by Chris Martens

Read the full review here :

Conclusion :
As a disc player, the BDP-105 is more than good enough to show in palpable ways that well-recorded SACDs really do sound better than their equivalent CDs (there’s greater smoothness and ease with SACDs, and simply more “there” there, so to speak). But as a DAC, the Oppo really comes into own, sounding much like it does when playing discs, but with subtly heightened levels of tonal saturation and warmth that make the music more engaging and intense.

Are there caveats? Apart from the extensive run-in requirements noted above, I can think of only a few. First, the BDP-105 is an inherently complex product that—at the end of the day—is simpler to navigate and control when it is connected to a display screen. Second, the player’s sound is so unashamedly refined and sophisticated that you may feel inspired (if not compelled) to use top-tier interconnect cables that will wind up costing more than the player does. But trust me on this one: The Oppo’s worth it.

If ever a product deserved to be considered the Swiss Army knife of digital media playback, the BDP-105 is the one. Whether you choose it for multi-format disc playback, for network- streaming capabilities, or to use as a DAC at the heart of a computer-audio system, the BDP-105 will consistently serve up levels of sonic refinement and sophistication the belie its modest price. Enthusiastically recommended.

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