Review : Hifiman HE-1000
Posted on 22 December 2015
Hifiman HE-1000 headphones reviewed on by Lieven
Read the full review here :

Conclusion :
I have to apologize to Hifiman for not having posted the HE-1000 review earlier this year but hey, I saved the best for last. I mean that. To me, the Hifiman HE-1000, is the best headphone of 2015. Is it expensive? Yes, sure it is. $3000USD is a lot of money and buys you a whole bunch of other headphones. Is it worth it? Well that’s only something you can decide. If you compare the Price/Quality ratio of the HE-1000 against the one of the new Orpheus than this is a no-brainer.
Is it the very best headphone there is looking at technicalities? No it probably is not (HD800). It however is a headphone that scores very well on everything and most of all always stays musical. It’s an absolute joy to listen to and I’m pretty sure it sounds great on a whole lot of amplifiers besides the ones I tested.
Hifiman wanted to make a reference headphone and they have succeeded in doing exactly that. The HE-1K in combination with the Violectric setup has become my to go to headphone at home and I don’t even want to think about sending it back. For those who can’t quite afford it, the new HE-X might be something to look in to. I haven’t heard it myself yet (it’s on its way here) but it’s priced at $1799, should be easy to drive and should sound like its big brother. I can’t wait already.