Review : Sennheiser Momentum
Posted on 10 October 2012
Sennheiser Momentum headphones reviewed on by Mike
Read the full review here :

Conclusion :
I have mixed feelings with the Momentum. As I’ve said: this is a headphone that knows very well what it was designed to do and to whom its creators wanted to sell it to.I don’t think Sennheiser or anybody else could’ve done a better job at designing a classy lifestyle headphone for the mainstream crowd. From the first moment I put it on, the fit the comfort to the sound it was all very nice. The sound, despite the shortcomings in the bass, I think is perfectly tuned for the mainstream crowd. I don’t think it’s the headphone for me though. The HD25-1 may have had a much older, less refined driver, but I love its PRaT and the tight fast bass. The TMA-1 which people find to be uncompatible with almost every recording out there, is still a much better headphone for club music. If that may sounds like a turn-off, let me say again that the Momentum is currently the best lifestyle headphone I’ve listened to, and I’m not even counting the styling points. I just find it to be too soft, to relaxed for me, but that’s the beauty about headphones: it’s never about finding the ultimate headphone. Rather, finding what’s right for you and your music.