Review : V-Moda M-100
Posted on 16 November 2012
V-Moda M-100 headphones reviewed on by Edd
Read the full review here :

Conclusion :
While I am sure this Headphone is not for everyone, I must say that some features really impressed me and some did not. If you enjoy a low that reaches immensely deep, but at the cost of quality all around then this Headphone is for you. Bass Heads rejoice. Your Holy Grail has arrived at long last. Sound Stage lovers, pay attention as well! The M-100 is the largest sounding closed back Headphone in it’s price tier. I do not consider this Headphone Audiophile Grade, however, I do consider it higher end Consumer Grade. The Average consumer won’t know any better and is getting a really fantastic deal in comparison to your pick of any of those dreadful Rapper Headphones. The M-100 shines above all of them. Hell, combine a few of those Rapper endorsed Headphones and you still won’t achieve the quality of the V-Moda M-100.
I can’t say the Headphone is bad, it’s just notvery good. My sound preferences are polar opposite from what this Headphone has to offer. Overall, I can still recommend it to people looking for a specific signature but I cannot recommend it to everyone as a great all around Headphone. It is brighter than neutral all around, slightly washed out on the low end and not nearly solid or easy on the ears as some other great Mid-Tiers can be, harsh and a bit too bright for my tastes in the Upper regions and lastly very spacious sounding with excellent efficiency. If this type of sound makes you happy, you will thoroughly enjoy this Headphone. If not, the Philips L1 and M1 might be calling your name.