Posted on 09 August 2017
Acoustical Systems Aquilar Tonearm review on Mono and Stereo High End Magazine.
Read the full review here :

Conclusion :
Right from the get go, the AQUILAR displayed rather lively characteristics for a gimball pivot tonearm, with a sound which is closer to a uni-pivot arm. One of the best albums to demonstrate agility and liveliness of a tonearm is Ruggiero Ricci's Solo Recital on the music Prokofiev, Bartok, and Hindemith (DECCA SXL 2240 ED1), a treasure difficult to find but well worth its expensive price tag on EBAY. The AQUILAR did not restrict any of Ricci's vigorousness and vibrancy with every twist and turn of the violin bow. It delivered more top end extension and ambience than both the Reed 2P and the DaVinci Master Reference Virtu when played with the same cartridges, and quite a bit more than the Triplanar arm.